Its that time of year when you start thinking about the next; also... what you did wrong, what you did right, and where you want to go next year.
All year I've been oscillating between this lovely blend of art/kinesiology and work (sometimes not so nice). And battling constant fears about the scary uncertain nature of having your own business (the art and kinesiology) vs the frustration of office work, which has a safer income yet is not my passion. I do enjoy it at times, but sitting at a desk all day at a computer, vs the beauty of the clinic room, or setting up art all over the table at home - its an easy choice!
So there we have it, and I'm sure a complicated battle for a lot of people, I've been lucky to work part time to give everything a go. Which I have to a small degree, but haven't *pushed* myself (eeek - its scary! Am I good enough?! What if I'm fooling myself, or worse still convincing myself these are my passions, when maybe its something I haven't discovered yet?!). Breathe.....
Meanwhile, I'm on a constant search and watch of other artists who have made/are making it work. For example:
Olive Dear (I've seen at many beautiful shops around Melbourne)
Good Old AshleyG (who's art and colours make me happy every time I look at it)
All the ladies on Design Sponge
Heidi and Seek (she is a nice lass - sent me a really sweet comment when I got started, and this month was in Frankie! Nice one)
And many other bloggers, Etsy people etc etc.
SO... I guess my aim for 2010 is dedication, focus and bravery. To continue to give it a go. Keep posting, drawing, looking around and building the Kinesiology clinic.
:) xx