Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Happy 2009....

Well its the eve of a new year, and I'm spending it very lazily, a bit of lounging, etsy hunting, eating, its all bliss. 2008 was fairly life changing for me and I'm looking forward to a new year of peace and growth, travel, the ends of my studies, and lots of art. Happy New Year!

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Illustration Friday - Clandestine

The secret below the wise old owl...

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Sweet Jesu I want One


Tuesday, December 9, 2008


This weekend, like lots of Melbourne, I'm off to a music festival. Being in Vic weather is never reliable, and latest reports forecast thunderstorms! So the city has been hit with hundreds of desperate festivale goers seeking wellies (Wellington Boots, to be official). A friend and I walked into a store only to be met with a shopman's knowing look at point to the coloured wellies on the shelf. We were lucky - last couple of pairs in our size. This is my quick ode to the wellington, lets hope its a great ol weekend in the mud!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Illustration Friday - Balloon

Here is a little drawing I did awhile back... Most asylum seekers in Australia are denied the right to work, and also medicare, housing or centrelink benefits. They often must rely on the goodwill of the local community - like the incredible ASCRC in Melbourne, a support centre based on volunteer support. I was imagining what it would be like to arrive in a new country, new city, with a bit of hope and fear, trying to survive. You can buy this as a print on my etsy shop.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Merry Xmas

Its almost December and I've started making cards. This is one I am offering as a pdf on my etsy shop!

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Illustration Friday - Opinion

A quick sketch with one little photoshop tweak - not sure if better without, but liked how the effect matched the head.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Illustration Friday - Pretend

Its my birthday season and sweet boy M gave me an amazing present - a Wacom tablet, so I can draw straight onto the computer! Here is my attempt after a couple of hours of play, many more hours of play to come!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Some awesome blogs

These two ladies have their own blogs and a joint blog/store. I'm very impressed by their art:

Monday, November 10, 2008

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Holga Hearts

I'm amazed by the power of the Holga... This little schnap was taken by talented Perth photographer Penny Lane.. The layers and colour fun that turns out from a film develop - and all that anticipation - is freakin awesome. PS I dont have one, but I know.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Drawing for Anna

Winter Fox

Even though its going into summer, today I got a flash of winter as we hiked around the Dandenongs, beautiful ferns, mist and waterfalls! I made this outta paper scraps from around the place, I like the smile on the fox.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Same same but different

Same same but different, originally uploaded by simonrackleft.

Simon (the father) is taking some pretty impressive shots in his new country of residence, Laos. More of his photos up on his flickr site, click through to see.

Julia Pott Video

I've watched the lovely little characters from Julia Pott on Noise.com for awhile - and then found this! Ridiculously the cutest dance scene ever:

Wednesday, October 29, 2008


travelling soul, originally uploaded by Jessie San.

Entry for Illustration Friday loosely based on repair - of the heart that is!

Double Bass Painting

doublebass1, originally uploaded by Jessie San.

I've been moving into a bit of paint work, but it sort of scares me so this is an easy-in, combining drawing (ahh, relaxing) with the paint! Looks good on a wall methinks.

Thursday, October 23, 2008


flying, originally uploaded by Jessie San.

Back to the drawings. Awhile back my boy left for a few months overseas, and I was imagining the journey from my desk at home...

Sunset - Broome

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Black and White Bonanza

Oh my god what a fun little japanese site (they seem to do everything that little bit cooler than the rest of the world): http:/labs.wanokoto.jp/olds - turning your new (or blurry, or not that well framed) photos into old looking works of art. Like this one I took of Matt. Woo Hoo! Now all I need is something to add that polaroid effect...

Thursday, October 16, 2008

It begins

I've resisted for so long... Its such a weird public space to share your thoughts. But I have so many drawings pouring out of me at the moment, and a guilty pleasure for reading other people's blogs, so I think its time. 
Eg this drawing - well I'm waiting for an important call, that may or may not happen, with a sick sort of nervousness for it, do and don't want to hear the phone ring, etc. 
But there are happier things to share too... Beautiful sites discovered, photos and happy drawings. We'll see how I go.