Sunday, July 31, 2011

Winterpark - Sunday Morning Album Launch

The Dear Patti Smith exhibition is over, and my work is here:

It was a great event! Perfecto. So much great talent - and amazing how artists responded so differently to the tracks. I think my favourite was Lucy Benson who had a video piece projected onto silver stock. Just looking at the work (sans music) you saw a beautiful looped video of water movement - but adding the track too it to a new place. Hard to describe in words, but very beautiful.

Snaps of the party can be seen at Dear Patti Smith, and Winterpark is posting music/artwork each week. A couple more images below...

Nice work M.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Sunday Morning Winterpark Show

The very talented musician Matt is collecting a bunch of our talented pals and "associates" for the launch of his next CD, Sunday Morning.

The new record is sounding amazing, and I've been painting one of the tracks for the upcoming show... Here is me beginning to tackle it a couple of weeks ago. While painting in acrylics is NOT my forte (I much prefer drawings and watercolours) it has been very fun to do something big and different.

Dear Patti SmithThursday (opening 6pm) July 21st - Sunday July 24th.

Hope to see you there, and beautiful work M. x